My Journey with Rise & Thrive

Rise & Thrive Business Skool began when I sold my Waxing Salons to go all in with coaching. Something I'd only been doing as a side-hustle while still running the salons.

This knowing came after I became so stressed with my business that it made me ill. Really ill.

No business is worth sacrificing your health.

Things had to change.

I began investing in coaching to help me grow my business while simultaneously stepping away from the tools and paying myself more money.

Once I began learning and implementing the business systems needed to not be stuck in your own business, like magic a whole new world unfolded.

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It Was During This Time ...

I realised that so many more business owners are in the same situation. Stuck in their business, business owners feeling trapped in work and very little actually experiencing the benefits of being the boss.

I realised that many could benefit from my skills learned through the time of stepping away and started creating resources and coaching programs to help.

This sparked my desire to share my knowledge, I knew I had something valuable for others.

And that's why I created Rise & Thrive Skool to offer practical wisdom and tools I with I had from the beginning.

I help business owners create systems and growth in their service business so they can step away from the tools while earning more money.

If you are here, it is most likely because you're feeling a bit stuck in business.

You're probably feeling like you need to strike a balance between your professional growth & personal fulfilment, because at the moment they're both a bit out of sorts. 

You might know, but then again you might not know, what you want in your business. 

One thing you do know though, is that you want more time to live a better quality life and you'd love to have your business support your life.

I once struggled with my work-life balance. 

I was stuck on the hamster wheel, only stopping when I was forced to... when I hit burnout.

I worked myself to the ground.

Going back to work only 6 days after my 2nd baby was born was one of the worst decisions I ever made in my entire career. 

I got ill. I was breast feeding my new baby in between clients, along with all the other 'life' things outside work (my other kids, husband, family, home, etc)... I was hustling.

"Got to keep hustling

I believed that it was the only way if I wanted to be a successful business owner. Hustle.

A few years of 'hustling' (more like on the hamster wheel of work vs burnout) I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, I was in pain every day and no one could figure out why. Some days I couldn't move from my bed because of the pain my body was in. Unexplained pain and lethargy.

Not only that, signs of peri-menopause were beginning to thunder in. 

My body, my spirit, my essence, it was all screaming at me to change my life. 

It took me a little too long to hear the cries but I got there.

I decided that I was not going to accept the fibromyalgia diagnosis. It was time to change what I had control of and do what was right for me. 

This meant changing the way I worked, drastically. 

Learning how to do business efficiently, effectively and without putting my work before my health and wellbeing was the turning point in my life. 

Today, I work a couple of hours per week on each business. I choose what to fill my diary with, I don't have any pain (therefore believe I no longer have Fibromyalgia) and I spend most of my days doing things I love like hiking, visiting cities around the world, family time and foremost my own alone time. 

I spend time on me every day before anything or anyone else, and I make more money than I've ever made compared to the days where I was burnout and 'on the tools'. 

FYI: I'm not just a business owner that is passing on the simple step changes I've made to get to this moment in time:

I'm a certified NLP Master PractitionerPositive Psychology CoachMeditation facilitator and amongst that all I have more qualifications like my Yoga Teacher, Neuro-Coaching not to mention a few others...

Why is this important? Well, all this experience of mines along with the life I've lived adds smuch more value tmcoaching because I can integrate real positive psychology interventionsproven science and neurolinguistics tthe interactions I have with you.

Note: I'm not a therapist. I'm not trying tbeither. 

I believe that understanding how the mind and brain works and how thought processes are created along with a deep understanding of human behaviour oa deeper level sets mapart from the other coaches who simply teach what they have been taught during their time ibusiness. 

Along this journey, I afortunate thave been able thelp hundreds opeople achieve true time freedom without their bank balances dropping. 

Through this process, I have developed Self Study Coursesa brand new Business Community called [Rise & Thrive] and continue toffer 1:1 coaching ta special few.

Now, ihas become my life's mission thelp even more individuals like youthat need tget unstuckthat need more timeand that need tget better at living with a successful business

Creating time-freedom goes deeper than having more time tdayou wish. It's having better health, better mental fitness and a happier you. 

Iyou feel called tdiscover time-freedom while your business supports you, I would love thelp empower you, syou can find that healthier, happier you.

Hit the button below and let's get tit... 



Instead of chasing short term gains and big bank balances I'm going to help you align your business strategy with your life's purpose, creating a foundation for long lasting success and deep personal fulfilment.

Instead of sacrificing your well-being for your business, I will guide you in finding ways to start prioritising your self-care, mindfulness, and personal growth, while ensuring you have the energy and resilience to take your business to new heights, and while living a balanced and inspired life.

1:1 coaching, group mastermind coaching and self-study coaching also available within Rise & Thrive Skool.

“I come away from Kerri's sessions energised, motivated and I feel so much more confident in what I'm doing. I'd recommend Kerri's Coaching Courses to anyone who's looking for that boost in getting going, or an injection of wisdom, experience and direction in their current business. I'll absolutely be back! TYSM x”






What I have experienced in my life, work and education I will pass on. I have had many successes in my businesses, many achievements in my life and as well as these, had many lessons and hardships that I've overcome.

The diverse, wonderful life I've lived along with the qualifications I've gained throughout the years allows me to pass on knowledge and experience, to help guide people like you through your hardships, loaded with the armour needed to move through with ease.
I'll never stop learning, about life, about business and about myself.

This means I will always show up for you as my best self.

I can't wait to work with you.


  • NLP Master Practitioner
  • Positive Psychology Coach
  • Neuro-Coaching
  • 6-figure Private Educator
  • Certified Yogi (200hr Moksha)
  • 6-figure Salon Owner
  • Meditation Practitioner

Join Rise & Thrive Skool where you can choose from Community, Group, Self-paced and 1:1 coaching.

Are You Stuck In Business?

Back when I was spending 6 days a week working 'in' the business, face-to-face with clients all day every day, I was stuck too.

I was doing it all, clients, then catching up with emails, social media posting, responding to appointment requests, thinking of ways to promote the business more.

Not to mention also trying to be a Mum, a Wife, help support home-life and see friends and family so not to miss time with them too.

It was all too much to keep up.

When I did have a day 'off' I was exhausted.

When we did go on holiday I was so burnt out, working to the very last minute that it took me days to finally relax, then it was time to go home and back to it, only really feeling relaxed for a day or two. Oh and I was also answering emails and client requests while being away. Uploading onto the socials and basically... still working.

If you're not ready for Mastermind Coaching or 1:1 coaching, I get it.

It's a big leap for someone new to being coached.

That's why I've created an affordable community space for you to choose the pace in which you want to move forward while having support from me and others in Rise &V Thrive.

Commit to your own growth today.

Hit the button below to join Rise & Thrive Skool.